Monday, December 21, 2015


Those of you who have seen me do my stand up act at a corporate function over the last two years would have probably seen me do a magical effect where I borrow a spectator’s $50 or sometimes a $100 note if there is a willing donor, I then have them sign their name on it and make it vanish by magic to the audiences amazement and confusion. Later in the show I cut open a Lemon and find their signed money inside! It is a very baffling effect and the situation of pretending to lose a spectator’s note lends itself to a lot of comedy!

Last night I did the effect at a function. I got to the end of the act and the spectators note was found in the Lemon! At this point a voice from the audience calls out “that’s not the first time he has made money from a lemon!” This got an enormous laugh! After the performance it was explained to me that the gentleman who owned the $50 was a car salesman! Once I knew that I understood the humour of the situation and the remark!


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