Saturday, September 22, 2012


Notice at entrance of Japanese hotel:
"Sports jackets may be worn, but no trousers".

Advertisement in Australian paper:
"Wanter, a second -hand duchess, must be reasonable"

"Money does not bring happiness but it will enable you to be miserable in comfort!"

Advertisement in Scots Paper:
"Piano to suit beginner with legs"

Report in the times:
"An RSPCA inspector commended Mr Peter Humphrey for saving a goldfish from drowning"

A patient was concerned about his heart:
"Dont worry" said his doctor, "your heart will last as long as you live".

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Had a fantastic night last night! A friend and I went to see the wonderful "Stardust Circus" in Castle Hill Sydney. The show was exactly what a circus should be with clowns, animals, Teeter Board and the trapeze. I highly recommend that when they are in your area you go along to see them. For show details and locations please visit :

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thoughts For Today:

"Graffiti is for people who cant write books".

"Just because your paranoid dosent mean they're not out to get you"

"Don't drink and drive. Youll Spill it"

"Diarrhoea is hereditary. It runs in your jeans"